![]() (Click on the photograph for a hi-res version) Dave's bio |
Speaking schedule Check the list below to see where Dave will be speaking about genealogy. Dave has given more than 700 presentations on genealogical or historical research since 1997, speaking to about 250 conferences, seminars and meetings in six provinces, seven states, and Queensland, Australia. A complete list of past genealogy sessions follows the list of the ones still to come. Check Dave's topics page for other choices. Contact Dave by Thursday, February 6 -- Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society Passing it Forward: How to Engage the Next Generation Tuesday, March 4 -- Oshawa, Ontario Durham branch, Ontario Ancestors Beyond the Online Basics: A guide to using digital collections Saturday, March 8 -- Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society Artificial Intelligence and Genealogy Friday, March 21 -- Bainbridge Island, Washington Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Genealogy, Geography and Germany: A guide to sources Friday, May 2 -- Legacy Family Tree Webinar Online webinar series Nach Kanada! Immigration of Germans to Canada Tuesday, May 27 -- Naples, Florida Genealogical Society of Collier County Between Friends/ Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border Dave's pandemic presentations with Zoom, 2020-2024 2025 Almost all online Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society Eastern European Research Online 2024 Almost all online Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society Destination Canada Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society Panel discussion -- Breaking Down Brick Walls Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Provo, Utah Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University Research in Canada, 2024 edition Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society The Road Ahead: A Genealogical Pot-Pourri Online seminar Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Leaving Volhynia Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies In person Records of Soviet Repression Leaving Volhynia London, England Society of Genealogists Canada and the United States for British Genealogists Toronto, Ontario Ontario Ancestors annual conference In person A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Eastern European Research Online Family History Research in Western Canada Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Bridging the Gaps: Using DNA to get results in Eastern Europe Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society In person An Even Fresher Light on Old Newspapers Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society annual meeting Passing It Forward: How to Engage the Younger Generation(s) Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society annual meeting In person History of Royal Oak Burial Park Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society In person A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures The Road Ahead: A Genealogical Pot-Pourri Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series A Primer on Austro-Hungarian geography Wellington OGS Wellington branch, Ontario Ancestors Eastern European Research Online Sudbury OGS Sudbury branch, Ontario Ancestors Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Longview, Washington Lower Columbia Genealogical Society Destination Canada Oshawa, Ontario Durham branch, Ontario Ancestors Between Friends / Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border Toronto, Ontario Toronto branch, Ontario Ancestors The Road Ahead: A Genealogical Pot-Pourri Burlington, Washington (in person) Skagit Valley Genealogical Society A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers 2023 Almost all online Seattle, Washington Seattle Genealogical Society German Special Interest Group Nach Kanada! Immigration of Germans to Canada Troy, Michigan Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan Changing Places, Changing Borders: Overcoming Geographic Challenges Edmonton, Alberta (in person) Alberta Genealogical Society annual seminar In Search of Home: Settling the Canadian Prairies The Road Ahead: A Genealogical Pot-Pourri Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Driven by Faith: The German Protestants in Ukraine Provo, Utah Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University Discoveries in the 1931 Census of Canada Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies Cutting Through The Fog: Using DNA to get results in Eastern Europe A Primer on Austro-Hungarian geography The Tiedes in Poland, Ukraine and America: A Germans from Russia case study Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Lambton County, Ontario Lambton branch, Ontario Ancestors Genealogy by Google Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Discoveries in the 1931 Census of Canada Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Discoveries in the 1931 Census of Canada Regina, Saskatchewan College of Certified Saskatchewan Genealogists and Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Discoveries in the 1931 Census of Canada Trenton, Ontario Quinte branch, Ontario Ancestors Getting Ready for the 1931 Census of Canada Victoria, British Columbia (in person) Victoria Genealogical Society John Caven's Ghost Welcomes You! Huron County, Ontario Huron branch, Ontario Ancestors Decoding the Dash Wellington County, Ontario Wellington branch, Ontario Ancestors Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Fort Wayne, Indiana Allen County Public Library Eastern European Family History Online Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Canadian Genealogy Online in 2023 Brockville, Ontario Leeds and Grenville Branch, Ontario Ancestors Getting Ready for the 1931 Census of Canada Beyond the Online Basics Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society Canadian Prairies Coffee Chat A Prairies Pot-Pourri Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Workshop on DNA: The basics, plus success stories Geography of Genealogy Beyond the Online Basics Getting Ready for the 1931 Census of Canada Legacy Family Tree Webinars Family History on the Canadian Prairies Longview, Washington Lower Columbia Genealogical Society Genealogy by Google Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Think you have it tough? Try research in Eastern Europe Getting Ready for the 1931 Census of Canada Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogy Society Canadian Genealogy Online 2022 Almost all online due to the pandemic Houston, Texas Houston Genealogical Forum Canadian Genealogy Online Auburn, Washington South King County Genealogical Society In Search of Home: Migration into, out of, and within Canada Bainbridge Island, Washington Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Destination Canada Wasaga Beach, Ontario Wasaga Beach Public Library Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Calgary, Alberta (in person!) Alberta Family Histories Society Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research The Geography of Genealogy Online seminar Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Driven by Faith: Baptists and Mennonites in Ukraine Edmonton, Alberta Annual conference -- Edmonton Area American Historical Society of Germans from Russia and the Alberta Chapter of the German from Russia Heritage Society Changing Places, Changing Borders London, England Society of Genealogists online webinar series Destination Canada Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Changing Places, Changing Borders South Bend, Indiana South Bend Area Genealogical Society The Geography of Genealogy Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Tracing your Alberta connections Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree Canadian Genealogy Online Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies Introduction to Polish Genealogy Introduction to German research in Eastern Europe Using Geography to Solve DNA Questions Changing Places, Changing Borders Ottawa, Ontario Ontario Ancestors annual conference A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Changing Places, Changing Borders Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Genealogy by Google Halton-Peel, Ontario Halton-Peel branch, Ontario Ancestors Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Spokane, Washington Eastern Washington Genealogy Society Finding Family in Western Canada Sherwood Park, Alberta Family Tree Trackers regular meeting A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Leeds and Grenville, Ontario Leeds and Grenville branch, Ontario Ancestors Genealogy by Google Atlanta, Georgia Georgia Genealogical Society Geography of Genealogy in England Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Geography of Genealogy in Europe Guelph, Ontario Wellington County branch, Ontario Ancestors Using Geography in Genealogical Research Oakville, Ontario Oakville Public Library Genealogy by Google Provo, Utah Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Destination Canada Kelowna, British Columbia Central Okanagan Heritage Society - Heritage Week A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Decoding the Dash: Build the stories of their lives Legacy Family Tree Webinars Online webinar series Genealogical gold in British Columbia Cobourg, Ontario Lakeshore Genealogical Society In Search of Home: Migration into, out of, and within Canada Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatoon branch, Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Family History on the Canadian Prairies Provo, Utah Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University Changing Places, Changing Borders Winnipeg, Manitoba East European Genealogical Society Researching the Volhynian Germans Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogy Society The Road Ahead: A genealogical pot-pourri Port Angeles, Washington Clallam County Genealogical Society Between Friends / Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border Oshawa, Ontario Durham branch, Ontario Ancestors In Search of Home: Migration into, out of, and within Canada 2021 All online due to the pandemic Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society Finding Our Way in Eastern Europe Changing Places, Changing Borders Provo, Utah Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University Canadian Genealogy Online Sudbury, Ontario Sudbury Branch, Ontario Ancestors A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Kamloops, British Columbia Kamloops Family History Society The Geography of Genealogy Napanee, Ontario Museum of Lennox and Addington Every Picture Tells a Story Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Virtual conference Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Destruction, Departure and Deportation: The Zhitomir district under Nazi rule Arlington, Washington Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies Opening session: Finding our way in Eastern Europe In Search of Home: A Germans from Russia case study Port Angeles, Washington Clallam County Genealogical Society A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Simcoe County, Ontario Simcoe Branch, Ontario Ancestors Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Oak Harbor, Washington Whidbey Island Genealogical Searchers Decoding the Dash: Building the story of their lives Halton-Peel, Ontario Halton-Peel branch, Ontario Ancestors In Search of Home: Migration into, out of, and within Canada Sidney, British Columbia PROBUS Club of Sidney Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society Looking Forward, Looking Back: Half a century of genealogy, and the best is yet to come Beyond the Online Basics: A Genealogical Guide to Digital Collections Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society Squiggly Lines and Spit: How DNA is changing family history research Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society Crowdsourcing Your Family History Research Guelph, Ontario Wellington branch, Ontario Ancestors Society Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Bellevue, Washington Eastside Genealogical Society Canadian Genealogy On the Internet Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogy Society Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives 2020 All online due to the pandemic Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogy Society Writing your Family History Seattle, Washington National Nordic Museum conference Destination Canada Family History in Western Canada Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Back to Basics: Getting Started (and re-started) with your family history research Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society A genealogical pot-pourri Dave's presentations pre-pandemic, pre-Zoom, 1997-2019: 2019 Surrey, British Columbia Finding Your Roots annual seminar Destination Canada Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Fife, Washington Heritage Quest Research Library seminar Between Friends/Entre Amis: Relatives Across the Border A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy in England Penticton, British Columbia Genealogy by the Lake, sponsored by the Penticton Herald Finding Family With DNA Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Arlington, Washington Northwest Genealogy Conference Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Between Friends/Entre Amis: Relatives Across the Border A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies annual conference Researching the Germans from Russia In search of home: A Germans from Russia family study Finding Family With DNA Banquet: The Most Wonderful Time (to research your Eastern European ancestors) Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society meeting A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice The History of the Burial Park Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Destination Canada Mining the Canadian Census Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society seminar Looking Back, Looking Ahead Crowdsourcing Your Family History Research Finding Family with DNA Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society seminar The Geography of Genealogy - Europe Crowdsourcing Your Family History Research My Matches and me: Ramblings with DNA The Search for Frank Liddell: Case closed Saanich, British Columbia Stake Centre Family History Conference Family History in Alberta Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Eastern European Family History Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society meeting Germans from Russia case study 2018 Spokane, Washington Eastern Washington Genealogical Society conference Between Friends / Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border Destination Canada Mining the Canadian Census Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society annual seminar Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Mining the Canadian Census Write Your Family History Calgary, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Banquet: Looking Back, Looking Forward Stalin's Arrest Files Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice The History of the Burial Park Guelph, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society annual conference Canadiana's Genealogical Treasures Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Brandon, Manitoba Southwest branch Manitoba Genealogical Society seminar DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) Crowdsourcing Your Family Research Destination Canada A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Central Saanich, British Columbia Saanich Pioneer Society Using DNA in Family History Research Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society meeting Every Picture Tells a Story Saanich, British Columbia Cordova Bay 55-plus Club Using DNA in Family History Research Saanich, British Columbia Stake Centre Family History Conference Geography and Genealogy A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Canadian Soldiers in the First World War 2017 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Historical Society Victoria's view of Canadian Confederation, 1867 Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Society seminar DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) Genealogy by Google A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Sherwood Park, Alberta Genealogy in the Park DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) My Matches and me: Ramblings with DNA Every Picture Tells a Story Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) Surrey, British Columbia Finding Your Roots annual seminar Family History on the Canadian Prairies Geography and Genealogy Crowdsourcing Your Family Research Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society conference Keynote: Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) Crowdsourcing Your Family Research Family History in Western Canada Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society seminar DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) My Matches and me: Ramblings with DNA Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies annual conference Banquet: Every Picture Tells a Story Ottawa, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society annual conference Keynote: Destination Canada Workshop: The Geography of Genealogy Family History on the Canadian Prairies Family History in British Columbia Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Coquitlam, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society conference Destination Canada A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few why you shouldn't) A Fresh light on Old Newspapers Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society seminar Between Friends / Entre Amis: Cousins Across the Border Destination Canada Mining the Canadian Census Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society meeting Crowdsourcing Your Family Research DNA: A dozen reasons to get moving with genetic genealogy (and a few reasons why you shouldn't bother) Saanich, British Columbia Stake Centre Family History Conference Keynote: Family history research today Introduction to Eastern European Family History Crowdsourcing Your Family Research Research on the Canadian Prairies 2016 Saanichton, British Columbia Saanich Pioneer Society meeting A History of Royal Oak Burial Park Surrey, British Columbia Annual Tri-Stakes conference Introduction to Eastern European Family History Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives The Search for Frank Liddell: Case closed Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society seminar Genealogy 101: For Beginners Western Canada by Rail Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Crowdsourcing Your Family Research Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for East European Family History Studies annual conference Keynote address: Researching in Eastern Europe Today Germans from Russia case study The 1930s: Stalin’s Arrest Files The EWZ Files: Forced from Their Homes Toronto, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society annual seminar What am I? A Genealogist-Journalist or a Journalist-Genealogist? (banquet) What's New in Western Canadian Records? Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society meeting Royal Oak Burial Park Part two -- cool stories Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society meeting Introduction to Eastern European Family History Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Family History Centre seminar A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives Discovering Royal Oak Burial Park 2015 Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society meeting A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Sherwood Park, Alberta Genealogy in the Park Genealogy by Google Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Decoding the Dash: Building the Stories of Their Lives The Geography of Genealogy - Europe Saanichton, British Columbia Saanich Pioneer Society meeting A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Brisbane, Australia Queensland State Conference, organized by History Queensland, the Genealogical Society of Queensland and the Queensland Family History Society A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Mythbusters! Challenging Some Common Beliefs Forum: Canadian Connections Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation of East European Family History Studies Panel and Roundtable The Geography of East European Genealogy Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Immigration from East Europe to Canada Where is Volhynia? Using Einwandererzentralstelle Records Stalin's Arrest Files Banquet Keynote: A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice The History of the Burial Park Victoria, British Columbia Ross Bay Village 150th anniversary celebrations The Tangled Web -- Using the Internet to Find Family Barrie, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society annual conference A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Western Canada by Rail From Eastern Europe to Canada Panel discussion Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Society seminar A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Travel Smart with Technology Trinkets and Treasures: Things Your Ancestors Left Behind Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society annual conference A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Mining the Canadian Census Genealogy by Google A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Travel Smart with Technology Sherwood Park, Alberta (by webinar) Family Tree Trackers meeting Destination Canada Saanich, British Columbia Family History Centre seminar A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Two Dozen Ways to Research Germans from Russia 2014 North Vancouver, British Columbia North Vancouver District Public Library Canadian family history research seminar North Vancouver, British Columbia North Vancouver District Public Library Launch of Dave's new book, Fifty! With a Fabulous Future: A History of the North Vancouver District Public Library Victoria, British Columbia University of Victoria Library special collections Archie Wills: An Eyewitness to History Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society meeting 1984, Thirty Years On Surrey, British Columbia Tri-stake Seminar Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Introduction to Eastern European Family History A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society conference A Sense of Place and Time: Putting Ancestors in Context Your Library in the Cloud: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society meeting Beyond the Online Basics: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation of East European Family History Studies Mythbusters -- Challenging Some Common Beliefs Discoveries in the EWZ Records Volhynia? Where is Volhynia? Stalin's Secret Files Travel Smart with Technology Beyond the Online Basics: A guide to using digital collections Mount Vernon, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society annual conference Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Your Library in the Cloud: A Guide to Using Digital Collections St. Catharines, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society annual conference (By webinar) Mining the Canadian census Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Destination Canada Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Mining the Canadian census Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Duncan, British Columbia Royal Heraldry Society of Canada, British Columbia-Yukon Branch Genealogical research today Calgary, Alberta Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta Getting to the Land of Promise: Using Canadian Immigration and Census Records Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society A Fresh Light on Old Newspapers The Geography of Genealogy Write Your Family History Family History in Western Canada Smithers, British Columbia Bulkley Valley Genealogical Society Destination Canada Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Your Library in the Cloud: A Guide to Using Digital Collections The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Salt Lake City, Utah Rootstech 1984, Thirty Years On 2013 Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Mythbusters -- Challenging Some Common Beliefs The Great Canadian Census Quiz Surrey, British Columbia Tri-stake Seminar Family History in Western Canada Your Library in the Cloud: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Trinkets and Treasures: Things Your Ancestors Left Behind The 1940s: Forced from their homes -- Discoveries in the EWZ Records Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Saanich, British Columbia Saanich Archives Saanich in 1913 Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Researching the Germans from Russia Introduction to Eastern European Family History If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) The Geography of Genealogy Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Genealogical Society of Queensland Destination North America Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice A tour of the park, featuring history and occupants of note. Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree Lost in Canada? Mining the Canadian census Oshawa, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society Destination Canada Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Family History in Western Canada Introduction to Eastern European Family History Travel Smart with Technology Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society Mythbusters -- Challenging Some Common Beliefs The Great Canadian Census Quiz Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Volhynia? Galicia? Bukovina? Where Are Those Places? Salt Lake City, Utah Rootstech Your Library in the Cloud: A Guide to Using Digital Collections Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Historical Society Victoria in 1913 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Victoria in 1913 2012 Powell River, British Columbia Powell River Genealogy Group seminar The Geography of Genealogy Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Genealogy by Google Destination Canada Surrey, British Columbia Tri-stake Seminar Introduction to Eastern European Family History Research on the Canadian Prairies Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy in England Write Your Family History Introduction to Eastern European Family History Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Queensland Family History Society Introduction to Canadian Genealogy Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Researching the Germans from Russia Introduction to Eastern European Family History If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) The Geography of Genealogy Write Your Family History Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice A tour of the park, featuring history and occupants of note. Prince George, British Columbia Prince George Genealogical Society Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Tracing Forward It's About Time: A Simple Way to Organize Your Work Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree The Errors of Our Ways Get Them Talking Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society Family History in Western Canada It's About Time: A Simple Way to Organize Your Work Write Your Family History The Great Canadian Census Quiz Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society The Great Canadian Census Quiz The Geography of Genealogy Tracing Forward Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society The Great Canadian Census Quiz Galiano Island, British Columbia Galiano Library Association annual general meeting Inspiring stories from library history West Vancouver, British Columbia West Vancouver Memorial Library Association Saturday seminar Write Your Family History Destination Canada Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Genealogy boot camp: It's About Time: A Simple Way to Organize Your Work The Geography of Genealogy More Than Just Names and Dates Three top sources: Church Records, Census, Civil Registration Oak Bay, British Columbia Greater Victoria Public Library Trinkets and Treasures: Things Your Ancestors Left Behind Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History The Census and Census Substitutes Destination Canada Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Write Your Family History Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History Introduction to Family History Research Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy Civil Registration and Public Records 2011 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society seminar Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Parksville, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society seminar Destination Canada Genealogy by Google Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Surrey, British Columbia Tri-stake Seminar Blogs, Posts, Apps, Tweets and Tools Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Port Alberni, British Columbia Alberni District Historical Society The roots of British Columbia Winnipeg, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study The Errors of Our Ways Researching Female Ancestors Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Canada and New England cruise Ontario Genealogical Society Seven nights on the Carnival Glory with stops in New York City, Boston, Portland, Saint John and Halifax -- all important immigration ports -- along with four presentations Destination Canada The Errors of Our Ways The Geography of Genealogy Write Your Family History Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Introduction to Eastern European Family History Discoveries in the EWZ Records If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice A tour of the park, featuring history and occupants of note. Burbank, California Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree Destination Canada Trinkets and Treasures: Things Your Ancestors Left Behind Prince George, British Columbia Prince George Genealogical Society Destination Canada Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Halifax, Nova Scotia Canadian Library Assocation Get the Message Out! Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Helen Gordon Stewart and the roots of the Okanagan's libraries Destination Canada Hamilton, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society It's About Time: A Simple Way to Organize Your Work Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Blogs, Posts, Apps, Tweets and Tools Introduction to Eastern European Family History Get Them Talking Researching the Germans from Russia More Than Just Names and Dates Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society Destination Canada Canadian Migration Patterns Working without a Net Victoria, British Columbia British Columbia Library Association Launch of Dave's new book The Library Book, A History of Service to British Columbia Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History: An Introduction Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Civil Registration and Public Records Destination Canada 2010 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Historical Society Centennial of the Canadian Navy Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Destination Canada Abbotsford, British Columbia Mennonite Historical Society of British Columbia Destination Canada The Geography of Genealogy in Europe Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria Destination Canada Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Trinkets and Treasures: Things Your Ancestors Left Behind Grande Prairie, Alberta Grande Prairie branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society Destination Canada More Than Just Names and Dates Research Using Newspapers Seven Habits of Highly Successful Genealogists Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Destination Canada The Errors of Our Ways Introduction to Eastern European Family History Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Yorkton, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society and the Manitoba Genealogical Society Destination Canada Canadian Migration Patterns The Geography of Genealogy Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Researching the Germans from Russia If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Provo, Utah Brigham Young University Conference on Family History and Genealogy Destination Canada The Census and Census Substitutes Canadian Genealogy on the Internet Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park Summer So(u)lstice A tour of the park, featuring history and occupants of note Courtenay, British Columbia Courtenay Museum Making the News: 150 years of British Columbia history Toronto, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society Destination Canada The Errors of Our Ways Research Using Newspapers Introduction to Eastern European Family History If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Vancouver, British Columbia British Columbia Historical Federation The Geography of Genealogy Write Your Family History Major Genealogical Sources in British Columbia The Roots of British Columbia Galiano Island, British Columbia Galiano Island Genealogy Group Destination Canada Research Using Newspapers Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Destination Canada Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History: Beyond the Basics More Than Just Names and Dates Research Using Newspapers Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Write Your Family History The Errors of Our Ways Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society Destination Canada Research Using Newspapers The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History: An Introduction Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Civil Registration and Public Records Destination Canada 2009 Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History: An Introduction Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Civil Registration and Public Records Destination Canada Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Research Using Newspapers Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Surrey, British Columbia Tri-Stake Seminar Introduction to Eastern European Family History Write Your Family History Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Introduction to Eastern European Family History Write Your Family History More Than Just Names and Dates The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Campbell River, British Columbia Discovering Your Family History at the Painter's Lodge resort More Than Just Names and Dates Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Civil Registration and Public Records Write Your Family History Destination Canada General discussion Saanich, British Columbia Royal Oak Burial Park open house A tour of the park, featuring history and occupants of note. Live on CFAX 1070 Radio Victoria (and anywhere with an Internet connection) Open-line show hosted by Stephen Andrew Milwaukee, Wisconsin Federation of East European Family History Societies Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Introduction to Family History Research CFAX 1070 Radio Victoria (and anywhere with an Internet connection) Guest host -- the Remember When show, with guest Michael Layland of Baytext Maps Prince George, British Columbia Prince George Genealogical Society Research on the Canadian Prairies Working without a Net Live on CFAX 1070 Radio Victoria (and anywhere with an Internet connection) Guest host -- the Remember When show Oakville, Ontario Ontario Genealogical Society The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Western Canadian Research Using the Internet Travel Smart with Technology Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society The Geography of Genealogy Abbotsford, British Columbia Abbotsford Genealogical Society The Errors of Our Ways Research Using Newspapers Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Destination Canada Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society More Than Just Names and Dates Write Your Family History Researching Female Ancestors The Errors of Our Ways Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society Introduction to Family History Research Write Your Family History Researching Female Ancestors Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Research On The Road The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study The next steps Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Write Your Family History Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History Civil Registration and Public Records Research Using Newspapers Destination Canada Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Sooke, British Columbia Edward Milne Community School The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Discovering Your Family History More Than Just Names and Dates Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Victoria, British Columbia Friends of the British Columbia Archives British Columbia history is your history, too Sooke, British Columbia Edward Milne Community School Introduction to Family History Research Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University Researching and Writing Local and Family History: It doesn't have to be boring! The best sources for your project The fine art of the interview Organizing what you have discovered Write for maximum impact 2008 Victoria, British Columbia Greater Victoria Public Library The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society - Ross Bay Cemetery Marking the 150th anniversary of the Times Colonist, a celebration of the editors buried in Ross Bay. Victoria, British Columbia Greater Victoria Public Library Introduction to Family History Research Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society 150 years: British Columbia history is your history Surrey, British Columbia Tri-Stake Seminar Finding Places in Eastern and Central Europe Researching the Germans from Russia Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study The best Canadian Web sites Research on the Canadian Prairies Destination Canada Also the Friday keynote address -- 150 years: British Columbia history is your history Victoria, British Columbia United Empire Loyalists The Errors of Our Ways Victoria, British Columbia Monterey Family History Club Write Your Family History Kelowna, British Columbia Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Volhynia? Where is Volhynia? The 1940s: Forced from their homes -- Discoveries in the EWZ Records Ottawa, Ontario International Federation of Library Associations Introduction to Eastern European Family History Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Federation of East European Family History Societies The 1940s: Forced from their homes -- Discoveries in the EWZ Records Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Webinar Ontario Library Association and Ontario Genealogical Society Land records in Western Canada Mount Vernon, Washington Washington State Genealogical Society Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Now what? How to use the information you have gathered France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany Road to Liberty tour of war battlefields and memorials Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Beyond Genealogy Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Write Your Family History Research On The Road The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Beyond Genealogy Civil Registration and Public Records Research Using Newspapers Destination Canada Canadian Soldiers in the First World War Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University -- Beyond Genealogy More Than Just Names and Dates Canadian Genealogy on the Internet The Geography of Genealogy The Census and Census Substitutes Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Researching families and history in Greater Victoria. Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society 150 years: British Columbia history is your history Live on CFAX 1070 Radio Victoria (and anywhere with an Internet connection) The Remember When show, hosted by Susan Woods 2007 Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society -- Crematorium at Royal Oak Burial Park The stories of some of the people who have passed through these walls Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Keeping Your Work in Context Smithers, British Columbia Bulkley Valley Genealogical Society Destination Canada Finding People, Finding Places Planning a Genealogical Research Trip Research Using Newspapers Calgary, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Volhynia? Where is Volhynia? Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies The 1940s: Forced from their homes -- Discoveries in the EWZ Records Finding Places in Central Europe Researching the Germans of Volhynia Burlington, Washington Skagit Valley Genealogical Society Using Technology in your Research Prince George, British Columbia Prince George Genealogical Society Research Using Newspapers Destination Canada Finding People, Finding Places Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Abbotsford, British Columbia Abbotsford Genealogical Society Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society Mining the Canadian census Soldiers in the First World War Discoveries in the EWZ Records Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University Tracing Forward to Find Distant Cousins Keeping Your Work in Context Write Your Family History Planning a Genealogical Research Trip The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University Destination Canada Soldiers in the First World War Maps and Atlases for Genealogical Research Using the Latest Technology Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Colwood, British Columbia Royal Roads University Introduction to Family History Research The Census and Census Substitutes Research Using Newspapers Finding People, Finding Places 2006 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Planning a Genealogical Research Trip The Errors of Our Ways Canadian Nuggets Write the story of their lives Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society Planning a Genealogical Research Trip Research in Western Canada Write the story of their lives Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Destination Canada Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Using Technology in your Research Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society The best Canadian Web sites The Search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Kamloops, British Columbia Kamloops Family History Society The best Canadian Web sites The search for Frank Liddell: A Case Study Edmonton, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Adventures in Volhynia Researching the Germans from Russia Winnipeg, Manitoba East European Genealogical Society and Federation of East European Family History Societies Researching the Germans of Volhynia Adventures in Volhynia Discoveries in the EWZ Records Portland, Oregon Germans from Russia Historical Society Stalin's Secret Files Researching the Germans from Russia Galiano Island, British Columbia Galiano Island Genealogy Group Full-day seminar on write about family history. It's All About Details -- and Context Toronto, Ontario Ancestry.ca official launch Dave presented Shirley Douglas with a book featuring the family tree of her father, Thomas Clement Douglas, and her mother, Irma Dempsey. Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society Canadians in the First World War It's All About Details -- and Context Using Technology in your Research Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society -- Walking tour of Ross Bay Cemetery Read All About It -- a visit to the graves of some of British Columbia's colourful newspaper pioneers. Victoria, British Columbia LDS Family History Center Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Researching Germans from Russia Finding People, Finding Places Research on the Canadian Prairies Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Tracing Forward Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Using Technology in your Research 2005 Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Researching Germans from Russia Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Using Computers in Family History Research Mining the Canadian census Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Finding People, Finding Places Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society The Errors of Our Ways Abbotsford, British Columbia Abbotsford Genealogical Society If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Research in Western Canada St. Paul, Minnesota Federation of East European Family History Societies Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Using Maps and Atlases in European Research Researching Germans from Russia Destination Canada Galiano Island, British Columbia Galiano Island Genealogy Group Destination Canada Researching Female Ancestors Write the story of their lives Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Tracing Forward Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Canadian Nuggets Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogical Society The Errors of Our Ways Tracing Forward Now what? How to use the information you have gathered Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatoon branch of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Stalin's Secret Files Discoveries in the EWZ Records Destination Canada Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe 2004 Victoria, British Columbia Rotary Club Discovery through family history research Surrey, British Columbia Cloverdale library Researching Germans from Russia Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Tracing Forward Grosse Isle and the Irish Famine Genealogy Resources in Victoria Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Qualicum Beach, British Columbia Qualicum Beach Family History Society The Errors of Our Ways Researching Female Ancestors Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society The Errors of Our Ways Stalin's Secret Files Using the Internet in Family History Research Using Newspapers in Family History Research Destination Canada Surrey, British Columbia Tri-Stake Seminar Researching Germans from Russia The Errors of Our Ways Detroit, Michigan Federation of East European Family History Societies If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Discoveries in the EWZ Records Researching the Germans from Russia Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Stalin's Secret Files Calgary, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in East Europe Discoveries in the EWZ Records Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society If All Else Fails Mining the Canadian census Using Newspapers in Family History Research Smithers, British Columbia Bulkley Valley Genealogical Society The Errors of Our Ways Research on the Canadian Prairies Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe 2003 Vernon, British Columbia Vernon and District Family History Society Destination Canada Using Newspapers in Family History Research Researching Female Ancestors The Errors of Our Ways Abbotsford, British Columbia Mennonite Historical Society of British Columbia If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Research in Western Canada Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Using Computers in genealogy research Researching Female Ancestors Research on the Canadian Prairies Brandon, Manitoba Manitoba Genealogical Society Mining the Canadian census Researching Female Ancestors Using Newspapers in Family History Research Gut Feelings, Blind Luck, and Hints The Errors of Our Ways Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Family History Centre Destination Canada Researching Female Ancestors Using Newspapers in Family History Research Edmonton, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe If It's Tuesday, This Must be Lidzbark-Warminski (On the road in Eastern Europe) Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Using Maps and Atlases in Your Research Researching the European Settlers on the Canadian Prairies East European Resources in North America (panel discussion) The Errors of Our Ways Stalin's Secret Files Discoveries in the EWZ Records Victoria, British Columbia Old Cemeteries Society -- Walking tour of Ross Bay Cemetery Read All About It -- a visit to the graves of some of British Columbia's colourful newspaper pioneers. Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Family History Fair Destination Canada Directories, Voters Lists and the Census Prince George, British Columbia Prince George Genealogy Society Research on the Canadian Prairies Researching Female Ancestors Destination Canada Surrey, British Columbia Cloverdale Public Library The Power of Directories and Voters Lists Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Victoria, British Columbia PROBUS Club meeting Genealogy Resources in Victoria Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Society In Search of Charles Marble, the Vanderkins and Margaret Trudeau Stalin's Secret Files The Power of Directories and Voters Lists Grosse Isle and the Irish Famine Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society In Search of Charles Marble, the Vanderkins and Margaret Trudeau 2002 Victoria, British Columbia Computer Show 2002 Using Computers in Family History Research Vancouver, British Columbia Vancouver Public Library In Search of Charles Marble, the Vanderkins and Margaret Trudeau Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Mining the Canadian census Researching Germans from Russia Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society In Search of Charles Marble, the Vanderkins and Margaret Trudeau Using the Internet in Family History Research Mining the Canadian census Destination Canada Regina, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Federation of Eastern European Family History Societies Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Post-Second World War Immigration to Canada Volhynia and the EWZ Records (joint presentation with Irmgard Hein Ellingson) Panel discussion on using archives overseas Victoria, British Columbia Victoria spring family history fair Farms on the Canadian Prairies Researching Female Ancestors Abbotsford, British Columbia Abbotsford Genealogical Society Genealogy and Geography in Eastern Europe Victoria, British Columbia Central Baptist Church Discovering Baptist Roots in Russia Edmonton, Alberta Alberta Genealogical Society Research on the Canadian Prairies Researching Female Ancestors Burnaby, British Columbia British Columbia Genealogical Society Finding People, Finding Places Researching Female Ancestors Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Club Destination Canada Using Computers in Family History Research Research on the Canadian Prairies Victoria, British Columbia Head Start Computer Training Full-day seminar -- Using Computers in Family History Research Victoria, British Columbia C-FAX Online with Al Thain and Graeme Bennett Using Computers in Family History Research 2001 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Christmas and Genealogy Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Research on the Canadian Prairies Victoria, British Columbia Annual Computer Show Using Computers in Family History Research Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Finding People, Finding Places Get Them Talking Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna and District Genealogical Society Finding Farms on the Canadian Prairies Finding People, Finding Places Kamloops, British Columbia Kamloops Family History Society Finding Farms on the Canadian Prairies Finding People, Finding Places Surrey, British Columbia Tri-Stake Seminar Researching Germans from Russia Canadian Nuggets Milwaukee, Wisconsin Federation of East European Family History Societies Destination Canada Researching Germans from Russia Discoveries in the EWZ Records Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Nanaimo, British Columbia Vancouver Island Family History Fair Grosse Isle and the Irish Famine Using Newspapers in Family History Research Mining the Canadian census Victoria, British Columbia Family History Branch Library Researching Germans from Russia Research on the Canadian Prairies Tacoma, Washington Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Victoria, British Columbia Ballykilcline Society Reunion Grosse Isle and the Irish Famine Canadian Nuggets Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Club Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Finding People, Finding Places Mining the Canadian census 2000 Victoria, British Columbia Vancouver Island Family History Fair Using Newspapers in Family History Research Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Researching Female Ancestors Gut Feelings, Blind Luck, and Hints Kamloops, British Columbia Kamloops Family History Society Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Researching Female Ancestors Abbotsford, British Columbia Abbotsford Genealogical Group Researching Germans from Russia Kelowna, British Columbia Kelowna And District Genealogical Society Using Newspapers in Family History Research Researching Germans from Russia Gut Feelings, Blind Luck, and Hints Salt Lake City, Utah Federation of East European Family History Societies Using Maps and Atlases in Genealogical Research Researching Germans from Russia Discoveries in the EWZ Records Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Club Get Them Talking Gut Feelings, Blind Luck, and Hints Researching Female Ancestors 1999 Calgary, Alberta Alberta Family Histories Society Researching Germans from Russia Using Newspapers in Family History Research Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Using Newspapers in Family History Research Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo Family History Society Using Newspapers in Family History Research Edmonton, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Why We Should Research Our Family History Campbell River, British Columbia Campbell River Genealogy Club Researching Germans from Russia Discoveries in the EWZ Records Using Newspapers in Family History Research 1998 Calgary, Alberta Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Researching Germans from Russia 1997 Victoria, British Columbia Victoria Genealogical Society Researching Germans from Russia ![]() The way it used to be. Remember overheads? Plaid shirts? Hair? |
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